How our story began

Hi, my name is Zach Bolster.

I was living in New York City, working in finance and living with my always-amazing and now-wife Patricia when my mother was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer. She was the glue that held our family together. We dropped everything and moved to Charlotte to help my father and sister care for her. During her treatment, we were shocked by how many patients were either driving themselves to treatment – which is dangerous - or were unable able to get to treatment at all.

Some didn’t have family or friends to drive them, others didn’t have their own vehicles. We quickly realized that not everyone had the support system my mother had.

It deeply saddened us to think about a cancer patient missing their treatment because of transportation issues, especially when it seemed like such an easy problem to solve. My family and I became obsessed with solving it.

My mother died from pancreatic cancer in December of 2016, just five weeks after her diagnosis. Patricia and I both quit our jobs to work on solving this problem. ChemoCars was launched in March of 2017 in her memory.

We now wake up every morning and go to bed every night thinking about how we can send every cancer patient to treatment. We’ve had amazing success to date, but we still have so many patients to help.

I encourage you to poke around our site and view our "Impact" testimonials. And, if you are able to, please consider donating. Just $12 can have a huge impact and will help send a patient to treatment.