Thousands of cancer patients need a ride to chemotherapy.
You can give access to life-saving treatment.
we are a 501c3 nonprofit :)
we are a 501c3 nonprofit :)
Uber/Lyft typically cost around ~$17 (but vary). Website donations fund rides & other expenses (e.g. insurance).
Barrier 1: Financial - It needs to be FREE
Rides are 100% free to patients.
Donations pay for rides.
We book & pay Uber/Lyft directly.
Barrier 2: Technological - It needs to be EASY.
No app or smartphone required.
Give us a call, speak to a human.
In ~10 min, a car is outside.
Barrier 3: Reliability - It needs to be STRESS FREE
Via GPS dashboard, we monitor every ride.
Call drivers/riders to resolve issues.
So much fun to be around!
Best mom ever! TBH, we’re not sure if this is Zach, Melinda, or some other random baby!
3rd Place @ Race To Wrigley 5k. Zach & Mom got Bloody Mary’s immediately thereafter and talked about life, the future, and the Williams sisters total domination of Women’s Tennis (she LOVED the Williams sisters).
Best “Nana” ever. She was extremley smart (class salutatorian) and successful. She gave it all up when Colin was born & moved from Baltimore to Charlotte. At this moment, she became the most AMAZING Nana!